[archived] – Outseats Minutes


WebsiteMinutes – 150115
Jan 2015
12th Feb 2015 planning

Minutes of Outseats Parish Council meeting held on Monday 23 February 2015 in the Sampson Room, Hathersage Memorial Hall at 7.30pm        

Present: Councillor Jane Marsden (chair)        In attendance:

Councillor Pauline Whitney                               Councillor Judith Twigg, Derbyshire CC

Councillor Jean Hodgkinson                             Councillor Jean Monks, Derbyshire Dales DC

Councillor Nick Williams

Councillor Bill Gordon                                        Clerk: Peter Leppard

Councillor Bill Hanley                                         No members of the public were present.

19/15    Apologies

There were apologies for absence from Cllr David Palmer (family illness) and from District Cilr Jacque Bevan.

20/15    Variations in Order of Business


21/15    Declaration of Members’ Interests

Cllr Gordon declared an interest, as an employee of the Peak District National Park Authority.

22/15    Public Speaking

  1. County Cllr Twigg spoke about Network Rail’s proposal to widen the railway, and actions taken in response to recent flytipping.
  2. District Cllr Monks reported on items raised at DDDC’s recent Area Forum, including a freeze on DDDC council tax for 2015/6.

23/15    Minutes of Meetings

It was resolved to confirm as a correct record the minutes of (i) the Parish Council meeting held on 26 January and (ii) the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 February.

24/15    Highways/Footpaths

  1. A supply of dog-fouling signs from DCC was resolved to be not entirely suitable. The Clerk was instructed to procure a better design.                                    Action: Clerk
  2. Arising from a resident’s complaint re surface condition of the A6187 cycleway, it was resolved to explore possible solutions with adjacent landowners and with DCC. Action: Clerk

25/15    Planning

No items to consider.

26/15    Finance

  1. It was resolved to note the monthly Statement of Accounts as at 31 January 2015.
  2. It was resolved to authorise the following accounts for payment (total £3,957.06):
  • Clerk – salary, office allowance and expenses for February £402.90
  • Hathersage Parish Council – contribution to joint-user costs £3540.83
  • Hathersage Parish Council – website hosting £13.33

Cllrs Williams and Whitney were nominated to authorise these electronically.                     Action: NW/PW

 27/15    Correspondence Received

  1. Correspondence was noted from DCC re proposed changes to their b_line travel discount scheme. It was resolved that Cllr Hanley will respond on behalf of the parish council.     Action: BH
  2. Correspondence was noted from DCC re its draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. It was resolved that there was no need to respond.
  3. It was resolved that Cllr Marsden and the Clerk will attend DALC’s Spring Seminar on 26 March.

28/15    Items for Information

It was resolved that the following items for information should be received:

  • Derbyshire Assoc of Local Councils                  Circulars 03/, 04/ & 05/2015
  • Hathersage PC                                                       Agenda & minutes 3/2/15
  • HPC Recreation Committee                               Minutes 27/1/15
  • HPC Swimming Pool Committee                      Minutes 13/1/15, Agenda 10/2/15
  • Hthsg & Outsts Joint Transport Committee   Minutes 19/1/15, Agenda & minutes 9/2/15
  • Hthsg & Outsts Joint Website Committee      Agenda & minutes 15/1/15
  • Heart for Hathersage                                           Minutes 20/1/15
  • Hathersage Memorial Hall                                 Minutes 5/1/15, Agenda 2/3/15
  • Rural Services Network                                       Weekly information emails

29/15    Committee and other meeting Reports

  1. Hathersage Parish Council – It was resolved that Cllr Whitney will attend the March meeting of HPC.        Action: PW
  2. It was noted with regret that Network Rail’s special briefing to the parish council on 17 February had produced no new information on their proposed railway-widening scheme.
  3. A number of other recent meetings were briefly reported upon.

30/15    Parish Matters

  1. It was noted that the Joint Staffing Committee has some key tasks still to complete, to tight deadlines, before the April 1st parish merger.
  2. It was resolved to contact PDNPA’s Interpretation Manager for assistance with deciding the content of a proposed interpretive sign to mark the one-time existence of Outseats parish. Action: Clerk
  3. As the March meeting of the council will be its last, it was felt that this fact should be suitably marked. Appropriate arrangements will be made accordingly.     Action: All
  4. It was noted that DCC’s Derbyshire Dales Committee will be meeting in Hathersage at 6pm on 11 March and that public participation is welcome. It was suggested that the following issues should be among those raised: Community Transport funding, A6187 cycleway design & maintenance, proposed Network Rail works.

The meeting closed at 10.10pm.


Minutes of Outseats Parish Council meeting held on Monday 2 March 2015 in the Sampson Room, Hathersage Memorial Hall at 7.00pm        

Present:Councillor Jane Marsden (chair)

Councillor Pauline Whitney (minutes)

Councillor Jean Hodgkinson

Councillor Nick Williams

Councillor Bill Hanley                                        No members of the public were present.

31/15    Apologies

There were apologies for absence from Cllr David Palmer (family illness). Cllr Bill Gordon was absent.

32/15    Variations in Order of Business

It was resolved to defer agenda item 5 to the next meeting.

33/15    Declaration of Members’ Interests


34/15    Public speaking


35/15 Proposals from the Joint Staffing Committee in connection with the new parish council from 1st April

  • Councillors discussed the proposals set out in the Appendix of the minutes of the Joint Staffing Committee meeting held on 26 February and resolved to endorse the contents.
  • It was noted that this document would form the basis of consultation that would take place with the Clerks and RFOs of both Hathersage and Outseats Parish Councils once it has been approved by Hathersage PC. The period of consultation will commence on 3 March 2015 and run for 28 days.
  • It was also noted that it would be necessary for both Clerks to keep a record of hours worked once the new parish council was established, and the roles/responsibilities of the Clerks and RFO would be subject to review by the new Hathersage Parish Council after 7 May 2015.
  • It was resolved that the Outseats members of the Joint Staffing Committee have the delegated authority of the full Council to take decisions relating to staffing matters in the period up to 1 April 2015.

The meeting closed at 7.35pm.


Minutes of Outseats Parish Council planning committee held on Friday 6 March 2015 in Old Shippon Bunkhouse, Thorpe Farm, Outseats at 5.30pm

Present: Councillor Jane Marsden (chair)        In attendance

Councillor Nick Williams                                    Clerk: Peter Leppard

Councillor Bill Gordon

Councillor Jean Hodgkinson                              No members of the public were present.

Councillor Bill Hanley

Councillor David Palmer

Councillor Pauline Whitney

36/15    Apologies


37/15    Declaration of Members’ Interests

Cllr Gordon declared an interest, because he is employed by the Peak District National Park Authority.

38/15    Public Speaking


39/15    Planning Application NP/DDD/0215/0112 (North Lees campsite)

After a discussion of the application, it was resolved to respond to PDNPA as follows:

Outseats Parish Council believes that the proposals which are the subject of this application will help secure the ongoing viability of the campsite, which the Council would like to see flourish. The Council does not consider any aspect of the proposals to be visually unacceptable, and the changes to the admin/toilet block will improve its appearance. Overall therefore, the application is supported.

The Council however is of the view that the proposed siting of the 4 camping pods is closer together than is ideal and that it would be desirable to space them out a little more, while still remaining within the same triangular copse.      Action: Clerk

The meeting closed at 5.50pm.


Minutes of Outseats Parish Council meeting held on Monday 23 March 2015 in the Sampson Room, Hathersage Memorial Hall at 7.30pm        

Present: Councillor Jane Marsden (chair)        In attendance:

Councillor Pauline Whitney                               Councillor Judith Twigg, Derbyshire CC

Councillor Jean Hodgkinson                             Councillor Jean Monks, Derbyshire Dales DC

Councillor Nick Williams                                   Councillor Jacque Bevan, Derbyshire Dales DC

Councillor Bill Gordon                                        Councillor Rosie Olle, Hathersage PC

Councillor Bill Hanley                                         Clerk: Peter Leppard

Councillor David Palmer                                    No members of the public were present.

40/15    Opening remarks

Cllr Marsden noted that this would be the final meeting of Outseats Parish Council, of which she had been proud to be Chair for many years. She expressed her thanks to many committed colleagues over that period.

41/15    Apologies


42/15    Variations in Order of Business


43/15    Declaration of Members’ Interests

Cllr Gordon declared an interest, as an employee of the Peak District National Park Authority.

44/15    Public Speaking

  1. County Cllr Twigg spoke about the recent DCC Local Area Committee meeting held in Hathersage.
  2. District Cllr Monks gave a reminder that nomination papers for the May elections must be submitted by 9 April.

45/15    Minutes of Meetings

It was resolved to confirm as a correct record the minutes of (i) the Parish Council meetings held on 23 February and 2 March and (ii) the Planning Committee meeting held on 6 March.

46/15    Highways/Footpaths

  1. It was noted with satisfaction that, following a recent spate of flytipping, some perpetrators had been caught red-handed in Outseats.
  2. It was resolved, following the Clerk’s recent audit of the condition of parish seats, to authorise repairs upto an overall maximum of £400. The Clerk will progress, subject to receipt of suitable estimates. Action: Clerk
  3. The recent partial removal (for safety reasons) of Stanage Pole (on Long Causeway), and options for its reinstatement, were discussed.

47/15    Planning

1.   Re application NP/DDD/0315/0187 (Highfield, Hill Lane), it was resolved to respond to PDNPA thus:

Councillors feel that the proposed alterations are, in themselves, acceptable (albeit with maybe a pitched rather than the proposed flat roof to the front extension being more in keeping with the property). However, given the greater use of the rear patio which is likely to result, they are concerned about the increased potential for dwellings on Ranmoor Lane to have their privacy compromised by being overlooked. This potential can however be minimised by keeping the hedge at the rear of Highfield’s back garden at its current height, and accordingly it is recommended that this be a stipulation of the planning permission.                                                                                                Action: Clerk

  1. It was noted that PDNPA has consented to application NP/DDD/0115/0052 (The Cunneries).

48/15    Finance

  1. lt was resolved to note the monthly Statement of Accounts as at 28 February 2015. The likely year-end financial position was also noted.
  2. It was resolved to close all of the Council’s bank accounts at close of business on 31 March, with the funds therein remitted to its successor parish council. Action: Clerk
  3. It was resolved to authorise the following accounts for payment (total £797.85):
  • Clerk – salary, office allowance and expenses for March £170.25
  • HMRC – PAYE, 4th quarter £398.40
  • Hathersage Memorial Hall – room hire £24.10
  • Wm Eyre & Sons – rock salt £170.10
  • Derbyshire Assoc of Local Councils – seminar fee £35.00

Cllrs Gordon and Whitney were nominated to authorise these electronically.                       Action: BG/PW

49/15    Correspondence Received

  1. An invitation to visit Hathersage Luncheon Centre will be accepted by Cllr Marsden. Action: JM
  2. It was resolved not to respond to DCC’s Campaign for Fairer Funding, given its apparent party-political nature.
  3. A letter of resignation from the Parish Clerk was noted with regret.

50/15    Items for Information

It was resolved that the following items for information should be received:

  • Derbyshire Assoc of Local Councils  Circulars 06/ & 07/2015
  • Hathersage PC                                       Agenda & Minutes 3/3/15
  • HPC Recreation Committee               Minutes 24/2/15
  • HPC Swimming Pool Committee      Agenda 10/3/15, Minutes 10/2/15 & 10/3/15
  • Heart for Hathersage                           Minutes 16/2/15 & 11/3/15
  • Rural Services Network                       Weekly information emails
  • Clerks & Councils Direct, March 2015
  • The Clerk, March 2015

51/15    Committee and other meeting Reports

A number of recent meetings were briefly reported upon.

52/15    Parish Matters

  1. Cllr Hodgkinson commented on the amount of dust, etc blowing off wagons of freight trains passing through. County Cllr Twigg undertook to investigate how this might best be pursued. Action: JT
  2. It was resolved to ask the County Record Office whether it would like to take the records of Outseats PC. Action: Clerk
  3. It was resolved to donate the parish council’s filing cabinet to the Memorial Hall.
  4. The engraving of a millstone to mark the 121 years of Outseats parish in its current form was noted to be almost complete. It was provisionally agreed to hold an unveiling ceremony on 30 April.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm.

20th Jan 2014 planning
Jan 2014
Feb 2014
Mar 2014
Annual Parish Mtg 2014
Apr 2014
May 2014
27th May 2014 planning
June 2014
July 2014
Aug 2014
Sep 2014
30th Sep 2014 planning
Oct 2014
Finance Minutes Nov14
Nov 2014
Dec 2014

Planning Meeting 8 Jan 13
January 2013
February 2013
Planning Meeting 14 Mar 13
Mar 2013
Annual Parish Mtg 2013
Apr 2013
9th May 2013 planning
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
Sept 2013
Oct 2013
Finance Minutes Nov13
Nov 2013

January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
Annual Parish Meeting April 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
September 2012
October 2012
Finance Comm Oct 2012
November 2012
Planning Meeting 19 Dec 12

January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
Annual Parish Meeting April 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
September 2011
October 2011
Finance Comm Nov 2011
November 2011

January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
Annual Parish Mtg Mins April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
October 2010
Finance Committee November 2010
November 2010

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
Annual Parish Mtg Mins April 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
Sept 2009
Oct 2009
Nov 2009